Campbell Page have received the highest overall star rating for Disability Employment Service (DES) Disability Management Services (DMS), receiving an average of 4 stars which places the organisation ahead of the top 10 largest providers.

Performing above the overall industry standard, Campbell Page received a 5-star rating across 43% of their Employment Service Areas (ESA), according to the June 2015 quarter rating report issued by the Australian Government.

The rating report also confirmed that the Campbell Page Marrickville employment hub jumped from 4 to 5 stars in the last quarter, with the Watergardens Psychiatric Specialist employment hub also making the leap from 2 to 3 stars during the last performance period.

The results mean that Campbell Page have been able to maximise the number of participants who have successfully been placed in sustainable employment opportunities, which is how the star rating standard is measured.

Our specialist staff have been critical in receiving these outstanding results’, Sotir Kondov, the General Manager for Specialist Employment Services for the organisation confirms.

Mr Kondov goes on to state that ‘the Campbell Page frontline staff and management have had a direct impact on the lives we are empowering, our leadership style is to place the individual at the centre of our activities, taking into consideration each individuals unique situation and circumstances’.

He believes it is this unique focus, which enables Campbell Page to make a difference in the community, stating ‘our hands on approach has resulted in these exceptional results for the June quarter, and as a team we will keep on strengthening in excellence and enablement’.

Every participant who receives support through the Campbell Page DES DMS programs are provided with long term employment opportunities, empowering not only their own lives but having a positive impact on their support network of family and friends as well as the wider community.

For more info about Campbell Page and how we can help you or someone you know, get in touch with us today